
So here we are in the southern winter of 2024 and I am spending it resting while working as a social secretary and chauffeur for my 10-year-old daughter. In August, I'll be taking the "Sparrows of Kabul" show to south-east Queensland. Then in the spring playing festivals in Yass, Kiama, Wynyard, Kangaroo Valley, Maldon Victoria and Wellington New Zealand.  I reckon I'll be mixing songs from “Sparrows of Kabul” and my new show "Domesticity" which we premiered to five-star reviews of the Adelaide Fringe in March. Links to reviews from both shows are in red text below. Hope to see you out there somewhere.

warmly, Fred

Upside Adelaide Review for ‘Domesticity’

Clothesline Review for ‘Domesticity’

Canberra Critics Circle Review for 'Sparrows of Kabul'